Eddie (Cotton) Dunlap
After a several year hiatus, Eddie (Cotton) Dunlap reorganized and relaunched the Tennessee Valley Poultry Club, the home of the Dixie Classic. He was the major factor in the club managing to host both the ABA and the APA shortly after the club was reformed. Eddie has raised and shown poultry for many years. He is famous for his standard Black Langshans.

(865)- 898-7706
Harry House began raising chickens as a 4H kid in Georgia. After many years away from the hobby, he started his flock in Strawberry Plains. His first chicks arrived via mail in 2010. Harry now focuses on heritage breeds including Orpingtons, Welsummers, WFBS, Barnevelders, and Silver Campines. To learn more about the fancy and become a better breeder, he has developed friendships with poultry breeders around the world. He and his wife, Sharon, have been active members of the TVPC since 2013. They have a flock of about 250 chickens and a small flock of guineas, turkeys, peacocks and geese.

Sharon House- Secretary/Treasurer
Sharon and her husband Harry joined the club in 2013. She became Secretary /Treasurer in 2020.
Ashlea Etheridge – Youth Director
(865) 809-0558